Community Service

ASEZ Volunteers to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Around Korea University in Korea

May 31, 2021

While COVID-19 had lessened interaction and friendliness among neighbors, ASEZ volunteered for the health of neighbors in a local community.

Adhering to the preventive measures, ASEZ volunteered to disinfect about 1.5 km [0.9 mile] around Korea University, being supported by the community center in Anam-dong on May 31. The community center provided the volunteers with disinfectant spray machines, disinfectants, trash bags, and cleaning supplies.

ASEZ members disinfected benches, trash cans, and utility poles, and also collected various trash such as cigarettes stubs and plastics. On this day, the members collected a total of seven 20-liter trash bags for an hour.

Yang Yong-jae (Korea University) said, “As a student of Korea University, I volunteered with responsibility. It is good to see the clean street, and it was fulfilling to hear residents complimenting us, saying that we were doing a great job.”

Seo Chae-yeong (Korea University) expressed her feeling, saying, “I’d been thinking that we need to disinfect and clean around our school. Right on time, I heard about this volunteer service, and came to join today. And this was even more meaningful because we were supported by the community center in Anam-dong. I hope ASEZ will carry out more volunteer services regularly.”

Attention is paid to the activities of ASEZ members, who are conducting the “Cheer Up” campaign to give constant care and encouragement to community members, who are exhausted due to COVID-19, and also exerting efforts to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

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