Action 1

Crime Prevention

We are striving to create a safe society through crime prevention activities.

Crime Prevention
Safe Society
Meaningful change begins with individuals.

According to a research, over a million people worldwide lose their lives to violence every year. To reduce crime that threatens humanity, there must be a change in individuals. ASEZ actively engages in crime reduction by raising civic awareness and working toward the creation of vibrant and safe local communities.

Activity Status

As of October 2023


  • 7 countries
  • 32 sessions
  • 3,641 participants


  • 77 countries
  • 108 events
  • 22,079 participants

Environmental Improvement Activities

  • 52 countries
  • 1,122 events
  • 45,610 participants

Forums / Seminars

  • 43 countries
  • 71 events
  • 9,691 participants
Project 1

Reduce Crime Together [RCT] School

It is a character education program aimed at nurturing the future generation with mature civic awareness to prevent crime. ASEZ university students visit elementary, middle, and high schools in local communities to educate students on respecting the human rights of others and fostering consideration for one another. Through the development of positive character traits and engaging in practical activities, they strive to establish schools that are free from violence.

Project 2

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design [CPTED]

CPTED is a methodology focused on designing a secure environment to deter criminal activities. According to the “Broken Windows Theory,” when the community environment is neglected and disorderly, the likelihood of crime increases. Through diverse CPTED activities like environmental cleanup and mural painting, ASEZ contributes to enhancing local communities, making them vibrant and pleasant, ultimately preventing crime.

Climate Change Response