Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Malala Yousafzai, and Greta Thunberg.
All of them showed that one person’s action can bring infinite change.
We don’t know how one person’s thoughts and actions can change the future. However, we know that one person could change the world, and will change it in unpredictable ways.
University is a cradle of the intellect. The role of university students, who will contribute to society, cannot be overemphasized.
As global citizens who can build the future, we must first change our campus which we belong to, and the change can start from our small action.
From May 16 to 25, 2022, green campus cleanups were carried out with professors at about 40 universities in the Rep. of Korea.
Together with the professors, ASEZ students cleaned up their campuses where they study and various places in the community where the campus was located, promoting environmental issues to other students and local residents.
An ASEZ student said, “Cleaning up an area is so simple that it may be regarded as deficient to change the world. However, since it is easy and anyone can do it, it is named as “Plogging” and this has become a world trend. Changing the world begins with little things that anyone can do.”
A university professor said that he had a wonderful time with his students while cleaning with them and added, “It is not easy to turn our thoughts into action, however, I was impressed to see students take action. Today, I saw hope. Our future is bright.”
People have countless thoughts and take actions in many ways, and each of them spends their time making their own choices.
In this opportunity to change the world, how will our thoughts, actions, and choices change the future of mankind?
ASEZ will enlighten people to the fact that each of them is a protagonist to change the world, and will continue to take action, although it is small, to change the world.