These days, crime has become more unpredictable due to the advancement of technology, and modern crime prevention strategies are being discussed anew around the world. ASEZ is working with the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department and the Information Technology Department of FEU, Manila as part of the Reduce Crime Together [RCT] movement. We joined hands to hold a seminar workshop on the topic, “Role of Advanced ECE Technologies and Cybersecurity.”
This seminar was held on February 5, 2024, at the FEU Innovation Center, Engineering Building, Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines. More than 100 university students from various universities in the Philippines and ASEZ members gathered together with crime prevention experts to share knowledge on advanced electronic technology and discuss cybersecurity as a means to overcome modern crimes.

After the introduction of ASEZ’s RCT, Professor Abricam S. Tinga from the FEU IT Department proceeded with a lecture on cybersecurity titled, “Beware of Attackers: Discover How to Protect Yourself From Cyber Threats.”
He emphasized that in 2021, the Philippines ranked fourth in the world as the country most targeted by cybercrime. He mentioned that the Philippines still remains highly vulnerable to online crimes due to a lack of public awareness regarding online scams. Online scam refers to a fraudulent crime that involves deceiving someone online to obtain money or intellectual property, or trying accessing assets without permission.

Professor Abricam S. Tinga discussed various types of cyber-attacks that people can experience online during his lecture. By raising awareness among the listeners about online crimes, he contributed to promoting consciousness about crime prevention.
Following that, a lecture titled, “The Rise of Advanced ECE Technology in Reducing Crime,” by Professor Danilyn Joy O. Aquino, an ECE professor at FEU, was conducted.
Professor Danilyn Joy O. Aquino highlighted the importance of advanced electronics and communication engineering technologies in reducing crime. She explained that electronic engineering can assist in maintaining public safety in various ways, such as advanced secret cameras, license plate reader technology, electrical brain activity of the suspect, bullet proof windows at the bank teller, integrated wearable helmets, and body armor. After the lecture, the audience had the opportunity to experience the advanced technologies firsthand.

Dhominique Urbano, an associate member of the Community Extension Service Department, shared her impression in the closing speech, stating, “Wow! I was so shocked with the huge organization of ASEZ and how they voluntarily help our community in securing public safety.”
Professor Antipas T. Teologo Jr., the FEU Tech ECE Director, expressed gratitude to ASEZ, the organizers of the event, saying, “Thank you very much ASEZ for having such a volunteerism spirit through this community awareness. Your help in organizing this event was really outstanding. Thank you very much.”
A total of 136 participants, including FEU Manila officials and professors from each Philippine university, participated in this workshop, of which 5 directors and 7 professors participated in the ASEZ RCT Project signature campaign and pledged to cooperate with ASEZ.