Community Service

Change the World by Changing Local Communities: Cleanup in Bronx, NY, U.S.

September 26, 2021

In order to solve issues in our daily lives, we need to pay attention and take actions for it. If we do not make any effort though we are aware of it, the problem remains unsolved. On the other hand, if you pay attention and keep taking actions for it, you will make a change and impact the future.

Streets are on every city. Most people just pass by the streets. Meanwhile, streets are the image of the city and it also connects our daily life.

We all share streets but sometimes we become indifferent to it. Many streets are littered with selfishness, without being taken care of.

Bronx in New York, U.S. is not an exception. It is far too common to see streets littered with garbage in our daily life.

Sunday afternoon on September 26, 2021, about fifty members of ASEZ in Bronx gathered to clean their local community. They removed the garbage and weeds, and collected recycling items at a section of Park Avenue between 163rd and 165th St.

This event was part of “Reduce Crime Together” campaign to prevent crime by taking care of neglected streets. On this day, the District Assembly Member took part in this event and attracted people’s attention to the ASEZ activity, which aims to make a change in the community.

The 79th District Assembly Member Chantel Jackson said, “It’s important that we show that we care about our community by coming out and starting the chain reaction. I hope that the community sees us out here in our blue shirts and someday will want to join us in doing the same exact thing.”

Yorklarie Chevalier, President of ASEZ Lehman College said, “We want to be the catalyst for change in our communities; we want to be the ones actually making a difference,” hoping that this event would make an impact on their neighborhood and increase the awareness about the importance of keeping their communities clean.

With the support of the New York Department of Sanitation, cleanup will be continued to inform the residents of the importance of paying attention to our community and taking actions for it.

ASEZ university students all around the world will not hesitate to take immediate actions for communities and future. They will continue to deliver the hope that each of us has the power to change the world.

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