ASEZ has been working together with governments and local municipalities in each country for the implementation of Reduce Crime Together project and bringing about substantial results in achieving the UN SDGs in each city.
As part of its activity, Korean and Indian ASEZ members had a conference with mayors of each city in India on January, 2019, and discussed ways to cooperate. They successively met with mayors and deputy mayors of South Delhi, Raipur, Chandigarh, and Pune; they shared opinions on cooperative ways to implement the UN SDGs and achieve Greenship project and Reduce Crime Together campaign that had been carried out for about a month. Furthermore, mayors personally participated in the projects and campaigns to encourage university students, and gave signatures in support of ASEZ’s implementation of the UN SDGs and reduction of crime.
The Mayor of Raipur showed his intention to join all the activities of ASEZ, saying that ASEZ university students were fulfilling their duties. The Mayor of Chandigarh presented certificates of appreciation to ASEZ members, having been surprised by their efforts to deliver a mother’s love through cleanups in all the universities and regions around the world.
Having attended the conference, mayors and deputy mayors of each city gave support signatures for the Reduce Crime Together project and for the implementation of the UN SDGs, realizing the necessity of ASEZ activities for positively changing the world. Through this meeting, each project for each city will begin in earnest in response to problematic issues in local regions of India.