November 16 is the International Day for Tolerance that the UN has declared. It has the meaning of opening the way to peace and coexistence by understanding and respecting others beyond ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, and physical disability.

In this year, which marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, about 100 ASEZ members participated in the ceremony Creators for Change held by the UN and the YouTube to commemorate the International Day for Tolerance. A contest of introduction video for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was held for 15–24 year old students, and the best four works were selected, and 750 university students were invited. Among them, the ASEZ members were also on the list. The UN Department of Public Information [DPI], the UN Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [OHCHR], YouTube officials, and video producers also participated in the ceremony.

Sister Aurora Sainez from San Diego, CA, U.S., a ASEZ member, illuminated the prohibition of discrimination in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 2) and the right to work freely (Article 23) through a video made by herself and other members. “I think when we reveal the problems and educate people, it will bring change,” she said. She urged the participants to work together in the matter by introducing the efforts of ASEZ to make the world without discrimination in human rights, welfare, and the environment.