Africa is one of the places where environmental destruction is taking place rapidly on the earth.

Researchers from Flinders University in Australia and the University of Helsinki in Finland published a study on the “Scientific Reports” that if the African governments do not implement effective family planning, massive environmental degradation will occur throughout Africa and seriously affect the ecosystem. As a result of the joint research team’s analysis, it turned out that the biggest factor that has influence on the environmental destruction in African countries is population density.

According to the UN’s report, the fastest population growth on Earth is occurring in sub-Saharan Africa, of which the population is expected to be doubled in the next 30 years. It is also estimated that the total population of the African continent will increase from 1.3 billion in 2018 to about 3 billion by 2100. The result of this environmental degradation will put great pressure on the ecosystem and human society.

Thus, many African countries are facing serious environmental problems and a solution is needed. For this, ASEZ members in Botswana volunteered to help solve the environmental problems. On October 3, 2021, ASEZ members from the University of Botswana gathered to clean the streams in the Old Naledi market area.

Old Naledi is the oldest township in Gaborone, where barefoot children play and citizens sell vegetables on the roads. There are many streams in this area, but most of them are neglected, being filled with plastic bags, car tires, beer bottles, leaves, stones, etc. It endangers people’s lives. The bad odor of the streams ruins the health of the residents.

A member of ASEZ said, “This cleanup gave me a sense of ownership. I have the responsibility to keep it clean.”  Honorary Councilor of Old Naledi Oarabile Motlaleng joined the cleanup and appreciated the volunteers’ efforts. Furthermore, he said from them he would encourage the community to take more responsibilities to keep their environment healthier and cleaner.

The cleanup was covered by Botswana Television [BTV], and some citizens who watched the news called the volunteers and appreciated their efforts.

In the midst of an unprecedented environmental crisis, attention is paid to ASEZ members who are making a change in environmental issues in local communities.