On Sunday, May 2, 2021, more than 65 university students from the Middlesex County College Chapter in New Jersey beautified the Thomas Alva Edison State Park and Museum. The Thomas Alva Edison State Park, which is dedicated to Thomas Edison, is one of the state’s most historical sites regarded as an emblem of advancement in technology of New Jersey.

ASEZ members rolled up their sleeves to make Thomas Edison Park safer and more friendly as part of their Reduce Crime Together Movement. As we can see in the “broken windows theory,” unclean environments encourage further crimes and disorder. In the 1980s, following this theory, the New York Department of Transportation issued a policy to erase graffiti thoroughly on the subway as a measure to reduce serious crimes on the subway. As a result, the violent subway crime rate in New York had declined markedly and in the 1990s, it declined by 75%.

On this day, ASEZ volunteers from Middlesex County College and other universities beautified the park by planting tulips, mulching along the trails, landscaping, moving logs, raking twigs, and creating a clear and dry hiking path. Chairman of the Thomas Edison Center of Menlo Park Leonard Sendulsky praised ASEZ’s activities, saying, “The energy that the young people bring in is phenomenal.” Environmental Commissioner Sally Yabra said, “I love the teamwork! You guys have a great sportsmanship where you work together,” encouraging the members.
Attention is paid to ASEZ members who are making efforts in taking care of the community for zero crime.