Crime Prevention

Multilateral Partnership for Sustainable Argentina

January 31, 2019

In January, 2019, Argentina and Korean ASEZ members provided a platform for establishing a partnership to implement “Reduce Crime Together” project and achieve the UN SDGs through conferences with governors, ministers, and other influential figures in Cordoba, Argentina.

On January 16, Oscar Félix González, Provisional President of Legislature of the Province of Córdoba, participated in the conference held at the city council of Cordoba on Jan. 16, and gave a support signature for ASEZ.

On January 21, a conference was held at a banquet hall of the government building of Province La Rioja nearby Cordoba. Governor of the Province of La Rioja, Minister of Environment of the Province of La Rioja, Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Province of La Rioja, and Secretary of Security of the Province of La Rioja participated in the conference, and gave support signatures.

Jo Jae-kyeong (Kongju National University, the third year student in the department of education) participated in the conference and said, “A number of governors and ministers welcomed ASEZ, suggesting their opinions. I felt that ASEZ was an essential organization for the world. I hope ASEZ will reach all the regions of Argentina, including La Rioja, and breathe life into them.”

On January 22, the next day, they made an appearance on a well-known radio station “Fénix,” and explained the role of ASEZ.

On the morning of January 30, there was a conference among ASEZ members and government officials at the Department of Communities at Cordoba Province. Six government officials, including Javier Britch the Secretariat of Environment and Climate Change, Patricia Mojica the Secretary of Policies for the Elderly of the Ministry of Social Development, Sergio Hugo Tocalli the Ministry of Social Development, Sergio Cornejo the Undersecretary of Social Inclusion, Hulieta Rinaldi the President of the Córdoba Joven Agency, and Luis Alberto Muñoz the Director of the Córdoba Joven Agency participated in the conference, giving support signatures.

One official from the youth council said, “After the conference held on Jan. 11 at the youth council, we made plans on what to do with ASEZ in the future. We plan to do meaningful works with ASEZ in 2019.”

ASEZ members have been making efforts to build networks with people from all walks of life by holding conferences and signature-collecting drives, and signing MOUs. As a result, they are making a substantial difference by drawing participation from local citizens and improving their awareness of the campaigns. After the recent conference between ASEZ and Argentine government organizations, people are looking forward to how ASEZ will effectively resolve the local problems in their regions.

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