Climate Change Response

ASEZ Awarded with “Keep Clean, Singapore! 2019” Environmental Award

April 28, 2019

“KEEP CLEAN, SINGAPORE! 2019” campaign was held in Singapore on April 28, 2019.

The campaign was hosted by Public Hygiene Council, which is an affiliated organization of Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, in order to encourage Singaporeans to keep the public place clean.

Through the campaign held on April 28, Public Hygiene Council gave awards to the organizations that had done excellent activities conducive to the environment of Singapore, and it carried out cleanup as well.

In recognition of continued cleanups for the beaches and streets to improve the environmental conditions of the city of Singapore, ASEZ was presented with “R.I.S.E Champions Network of the Keep Singapore Clean Movement” award.

The award was from Public Hygiene Council, and the Minister of the Environment and Water Resources himself presented awards.

Masagos Zulkifil the Minister of the Environment and Water Resources emphasized that it was desperately needed for citizens to participate in making beautiful environment, and said, “Our society can be maintained clean only when citizens actively participate in cleanups, picking up trash and reducing the volume of waste.”

The award ceremony was followed by a cleanup. ASEZ members, too, participated in it to keep the city clean.

ASEZ members in Singapore said that they would make continual efforts to clean the entire region of Singapore through street and beach cleanups. Many people are looking forward to the activities by ASEZ members to make sustainable and clean streets.

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