On Sunday, November 20, 2022, ASEZ members in Kenya held a cleanup campaign1 in Ngara, Nairobi. Twenty-three ASEZ members took part in the campaign under the slogan, “Let’s Save the Earth.”
1. CleanUp Campaign: It is one of ASEZ’s environmental cleanup activities. ASEZ university students around the world are voluntarily taking care of the environment in their communities.
At his opening address in regard to the cleanup campaign, Ngara Ward Administrator Mr. Augustine Wafula – County Government of Nairobi, said: “Clean environment is essential, it’s not a choice but individual responsibility. I express my sincere gratitude for the environmental impact ASEZ is making on the region. I’m amazed at every individual who gave effort and I encourage the self-driven, willing, and available youth to continuously participate in such volunteer activity.”
ASEZ members cleaned the street for two hours and picked up garbage along the roads, residential areas, and business holdings. Ten garbage bags were collected during the cleanup.
Sallyne from Pioneer International University [PIU], a member of ASEZ, said, “I had a really nice time during the volunteer activity with my fellow university students. I felt really happy. I would like to continue partaking in the volunteer activities.” The Ngara Ward Administrator came to know various ASEZ international activities and said, “Together with my office members, I will continuously support ASEZ.”
This cleanup is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs]. Among the SDGs, number 11 asserts on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. When businesses, governments, and civil society actively take part in the implementation of the SDGs, we can make cities more competitive, safe, and resource-efficient.
The National Environmental Management Authority [NEMA] is one of the major Kenyan agencies mandated with achieving the UN SDGs. Here are the seven key principles of environmental management suggested by NEMA:
- Polluter Pays Principle [PPP]
- User Pays Principle [UPP]
- Precautionary Principle [PP]
- Principle of Responsibility
- Principle of Effectiveness and Efficiency
- Principle of Proportionality
- Principle of Participation
ASEZ, the Church of God University Student Volunteer Group, is achieving the same goal by carrying out volunteer activities around the world, including the cleanup campaign in Nairobi. ASEZ looks forward to working with more companies, governments, and civic groups for sustainable cities and towns and saving the planet.