Community Service

Street Cleanup in Pretoria, South Africa, Under the Slogan, “Let’s Make Safe Pretoria”

South Africa
January 16, 2022

On January 16, 2022, around 60 ASEZ members carried out a cleanup in Pretoria, Rep. of South Africa.

Aubrey Matlakala Street, which they cleaned this time, is a crowded street, being located near Tshwane University of Technology, but illegally dumped trash made the street look gloomy.

A TUT member said, “Because I go to TUT, I always saw trash illegally dumped around the school, but I wasn’t brave enough to clean it up by myself. Today, I’m so happy that I’m cleaning this area with the ASEZ members. It was nice to see how quickly the area around my school got cleaned up as I cleaned it with the ASEZ members, which was something I wasn’t able to do alone.”

The next activity of the ASEZ members, who are making safe Pretoria through constant city beautification, is drawing the community’s attention.

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